ӹѡҹԹ ӹѡҹ㨡ҧ 4,999 ҷ/͹ Serviced Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 ҷ)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡

ӹѡҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹ Сѹ 3 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 3 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 3 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 2 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 2 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 2 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 1 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 1 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 1 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 31 Ҥ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 31 Ҥ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 31 Ҥ 2567 ӹѡҹا෾ҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹا෾ҹ Сѹ 2022-06-14 ӹѡҹا෾ҹ Сѹ 2024-06-02 ӹѡҹا෾ҹ Сѹ 2024-06-01 ӹѡҹҧѡ ا෾ҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹا෾ҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹҧѡ ا෾ҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹҧѡӹѡҹ ا෾ӹѡҹҧѡ ا෾ӹѡҹ ҧѡӹѡҹ ࢵҧѡӹѡҹ 20 ҧӹѡҹö俿ӹѡҹ ö俿ӹѡҹ ö俿Һշӹѡҹö俿 ӹѡҹ ö俿ӹѡҹ ö俿Һշӹѡҹö俿 ӹѡҹö俿ӹѡҹ ö俿Թӹѡҹö俿 ӹѡҹ ö俿Թӹѡҹö俿 ҹ ҹ ǹ ǹ ͹ ҤþҳԪ ;鹷 ӹѡҹ Ϳ áԨ çҹ ѧԹ ⡴ѧ Թ ŧСȿ Ѻ ¡ش Ѻ ŧСȿ Ѻ ǻЪѹ ¡ش ǻЪѹ ç ¡ش ç 觷 ¡ش Ф ¡ش Ф ǧ ¡ش ǧ Թ ¡ش Թ SME ¡ش SME ʶҹͧ ¡ش ʶҹͧ

ӹѡҹԹ ӹѡҹ㨡ҧ 4,999 ҷ/͹ Serviced Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 ҷ)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡

ѹʵ ѹѧ 14 Զع¹ 2565

- ӹѡҹ Serviced Office Ҥӹѡҹ㨡ҧ ͧӹѡҹǹ¢ҴٻẺСѺûѺἹáԨǧԡĵԴ-19
- ö俿ʶҹ BTS ᴧ (Թ 5 ҷ ҡշᴧ) MRT , MRT ҹ, BTS ͧ, BRT ҷ ѴФԹҧö俿
- ҧǹ ö͡дǡ駷ҧ . ҷ Ҹ
- ҹáԨä Ҥ ٹä 觪ͻ ӹ¤дǡú

- Ǿҹ ӹѡҹ ͡ Ѿ
- ԡԹ絤٧ wifi
- վ鹷кԡǹҧ պԡ mailbox ͧЪ˭ ͧЪ ͧ ͧ 鹷Ѻͧ١ Կӹѡҹ ѡҹŤҴ û 24 .
- ʹöҤӹѡҹ ª͹

- Ҥ鹷 4,999 ҷ/͹
- ҤҹҤطԵ͹ ӹѡҹ ӻл 俿 Ѻҡ 鹷кԡǹҧ ԡԹ絤٧ wifi º

աºԡôմ͸áԨس: ԡ IT support ԡ÷Ӻѭ accounting services

ʹ㨵Դ contact: 095 681 5168

- located in office building on Silom road, the heart of Bangkok business district
- located near BTS Saladaeng (5 minutes walk), MRT Silom, MRT Samyan, BTS Chong Nonsi, and BRT Sathorn
- easy entry from Silom road, Sathorn road, and Narathiwas road and easy access to the city expressway
- located in business and retail area with facilities for business needs

- fully furnished and equipped (desks, chairs, cabinets, telephone lines, and free hi-speed broadband internet wifi)
- paid utilities (water, electricity, and air-conditioning) with no additional charges
- paid office facilities and services (mailbox services, big and small meeting rooms, restroom, pantry, lobby, elevator, and 24-hour building security) with no additional charges
- available hourly and monthly parking in the office building

- price already includes rent, hi-speed broadband internet wifi, utilities, office facilities and services

- adding new services for your business needs: IT support and accounting services

Contact no. +6695 681 5168

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  • ӹѡҹԹ ӹѡҹ㨡ҧ 4,999 ҷ/͹ Serviced Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 ҷ)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡

    ӹѡҹ 20 ҧ СȻ ӹѡҹ ´ӹѡҹԹ ӹѡҹ㨡ҧ 4,999 ҷ/͹ Serviced Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 ҷ)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡ ӷͧä ӹѡҹԹ ӹѡҹ㨡ҧ 4,999 ҷ/͹ Serviced Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 ҷ)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡ ͡ҡѾഷءѹ

    - ӹѡҹ Serviced Office Ҥӹѡҹ㨡ҧ ͧӹѡҹǹ¢ҴٻẺСѺûѺἹáԨǧԡĵԴ-19 -

    @thaihometown Scroll