ӹѡҹҧǹ Serviced Office 㨡ҧ Silom CBD 4,999 baht/month Private Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 minutes walk)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡

ӹѡҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹ Сѹ 13 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 13 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 13 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 12 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 12 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 12 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 11 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 11 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 11 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 10 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 10 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹ Сѹ 10 Զع¹ 2567 ӹѡҹا෾ҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹا෾ҹ Сѹ 2022-05-23 ӹѡҹا෾ҹ Сѹ 2024-06-12 ӹѡҹا෾ҹ Сѹ 2024-06-11 ӹѡҹҧѡ ا෾ҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹا෾ҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹҧѡ ا෾ҹ ¡ش ӹѡҹҧѡӹѡҹ ا෾ӹѡҹҧѡ ا෾ӹѡҹ ҧѡӹѡҹ ࢵҧѡӹѡҹ 20 ҧӹѡҹö俿ӹѡҹ ö俿ӹѡҹ ö俿Һշӹѡҹö俿 ӹѡҹ ö俿ӹѡҹ ö俿Һշӹѡҹö俿 ӹѡҹö俿ӹѡҹ ö俿Թӹѡҹö俿 ӹѡҹ ö俿Թӹѡҹö俿 ҹ ҹ ǹ ǹ ͹ ҤþҳԪ ;鹷 ӹѡҹ Ϳ áԨ çҹ ѧԹ ⡴ѧ Թ ŧСȿ Ѻ ¡ش Ѻ ŧСȿ Ѻ ǻЪѹ ¡ش ǻЪѹ ç ¡ش ç 觷 ¡ش Ф ¡ش Ф ǧ ¡ش ǧ Թ ¡ش Թ SME ¡ش SME ʶҹͧ ¡ش ʶҹͧ

ӹѡҹҧǹ Serviced Office 㨡ҧ Silom CBD 4,999 baht/month Private Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 minutes walk)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡

ѹʵ ѹѹ 23 Ҥ 2565

Serviced office for rent in BKK CBD (Silom, Sathorn, Narathiwas area) near BTS skytrain (5 minutes walk to Saladaeng station and Chong Nonsi station), near MRT subway (Silom and Samyan station), and near BRT Bangkok Rapid Bus (Sathorn station) with good services for your business needs

- ӹѡҹ Serviced Office Ҥӹѡҹ㨡ҧ ͧӹѡҹǹ¢ҴٻẺСѺûѺἹáԨǧԡĵԴ-19
- ö俿ʶҹ BTS ᴧ (Թ 5 ҷ ҡշᴧ) MRT , MRT ҹ, BTS ͧ, BRT ҷ ѴФԹҧö俿
- ҧǹ ö͡дǡ駷ҧ . ҷ Ҹ
- ҹáԨä Ҥ ٹä 觪ͻ ӹ¤дǡú

- Ǿҹ ӹѡҹ ͡ Ѿ
- ԡԹ絤٧ wifi
- վ鹷кԡǹҧ պԡ mailbox ͧЪ˭ ͧЪ ͧ ͧ 鹷Ѻͧ١ Կӹѡҹ ѡҹŤҴ û 24 .
- ʹöҤӹѡҹ ª͹

- Ҥ鹷 4,999 ҷ/͹
- ҤҹҤطԵ͹ ӹѡҹ ӻл 俿 Ѻҡ 鹷кԡǹҧ ԡԹ絤٧ wifi º

աºԡôմ͸áԨس: ԡ IT support ԡ÷Ӻѭ accounting services

ʹ㨵Դ contact: 095 681 5168

- located in office building on Silom road, the heart of Bangkok business district
- located near BTS Saladaeng (5 minutes walk), MRT Silom, MRT Samyan, BTS Chong Nonsi, and BRT Sathorn
- easy entry from Silom road, Sathorn road, and Narathiwas road and easy access to the city expressway
- located in business and retail area with facilities for business needs

- fully furnished and equipped (desks, chairs, cabinets, telephone lines, and free hi-speed broadband internet wifi)
- paid utilities (water, electricity, and air-conditioning) with no additional charges
- paid office facilities and services (mailbox services, big and small meeting rooms, restroom, pantry, lobby, elevator, and 24-hour building security) with no additional charges
- available hourly and monthly parking in the office building

- price already includes rent, hi-speed broadband internet wifi, utilities, office facilities and services

- adding new services for your business needs: IT support and accounting services

Contact no. +6695 681 5168

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  • ӹѡҹ
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  • ӹѡҹ
  • ӹѡҹҷ
  • ӹѡҹҧǹ Serviced Office 㨡ҧ Silom CBD 4,999 baht/month Private Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 minutes walk)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡

    ӹѡҹ 20 ҧ СȻ ӹѡҹ ´ӹѡҹҧǹ Serviced Office 㨡ҧ Silom CBD 4,999 baht/month Private Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 minutes walk)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡ ӷͧä ӹѡҹҧǹ Serviced Office 㨡ҧ Silom CBD 4,999 baht/month Private Office ӹѡҹ麹Ҥӹѡҹö俿 BTS ᴧ(Թ§ 5 minutes walk)MRT BRT ҷ ͧѺ 1-20 ͧ¢Ҵ͡ ͡ҡѾഷءѹ

    Serviced office for rent in BKK CBD (Silom, Sathorn, Narathiwas area) near BTS skytrain (5 minutes walk to Saladaeng station and Chong Nonsi station), near MRT

    @thaihometown Scroll