ըѹ ·ԹԨͧ 鹷 3 ҹ .ҹ .ͧ͹ .͹

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ըѹ ·ԹԨͧ 鹷 3 ҹ .ҹ .ͧ͹ .͹

ѹʵ ѹѧ 16 ¹ 2567 ┃ Ѿഷش ѹѹ 22 ¹ 2567

2403ACL1896 ԹԨͧ 鹷 3 ҹ ˹ҡҧ 35 ֡ 41 鹷 1,000. 鹷ŧԹԴ 3 ҹ ˹ , , ȵѹ ͹յ ҧ 8 . Ѿ ú Ŵ 㨡ҧͧ дǡʺ Ҹóٻúѹ ҹдǡ ҧþԹҢҴŵ ꡫ Ҵҹ ҹ չԤѡä dz˹һҡ ͧҷ 14 ͧ ҧ 4 . ͧ͹ 20 . ʹö 28 . § 7.2 . 鹷ͧ 55.2 . ͧ Сͺ仴 ͼ § ͧӹ Ѵ իԧҧҹ
ͧ红ͧ 1 ͧ Ҵ鹷 55.2 .
㹫¶ѡ (ըѹ) 觪 ԹáԨоѲҡԨõѹ
2403ACL1896 Commercial Land with multiple Rental room for sale in Ban Ped, Khon kaen, area 3 ngan, width 35 meters, Length 41 meters, total usable area 1,000 sq m. High Demands property, fully furnished located in good location in the city, Convenient to reach location from three ways road i.e. from North South and West side with 8 m concrete road with complete utilities facility. Nearby convenience stores. i.e.,7-Eleven and small department stores, Lotus, Big C, markets, restaurants, medical stores, medical clinics in front of the alley
There are 14 rooms for rent, each 4m wide, with a bedroom of 20 sq m, an extra parking area of 28 sq m, and a Kitchen on the balcony with 7.2 sq m. The total usable area, including the rental rooms, is 55.2 sq m. 1 Storage room with a total area of 55.2 sq m. There are tables, refrigerators, wardrobes, beds, air conditioners, fans, Sinks and water heaters.
1 storage room, total usable area 55.2 sq m.
Connected with the main road i.e. Srichan Road, in a community area. Ready to continue operating and developing the business immediately.
: .ҹ .ͧ͹ .͹ 40000
Property Location: Ban Ped Subdistrict, Mueang Khon Kaen District, Khon Kaen Province 40000

Direction: The front of the land faces north.
ԧѾ / Property link:


駷Ѿ / Property Location


ҤҢ 10,000,000 ҷ Դ 33,333 ҷ ͵ҧ
Selling price 10,000,000 Baht (Equivalent to 33,333 Baht per sq wah)

******Թ⫹ժ Թ ͡ ҳԪ¡
******Pink zone land Community type land For residential, commercial

ش蹢ͧѾ / Property Highlight
1. Ѿ㹷ŷ
1. The property is in a good location
2. ͡ 3 ҧ ֧˹ͧ⤵ , ԷҤѹ͡§˹, ըѹ
2. There are 3 entrances: Bueng Nong Khot, Northeastern University, Srichan Road.
3. öѺ¹;鹷ª
3. Can be converted into multi-storey apartments.
4. Ѩغѹռءͧѡ
4. Currently, every room is full of tenants.
5. ͧҧ Ҵ Ҿ ú
5. Spacious room, clean, good condition, fully furnished.
6. ԨúҹѡԹԨõѹ ͹حҵº
6. The housing business is ready to resume operations immediately, Already have a license
7. öԹҧ ʹԹ ö ö ԹҧдǡзѾ㨡ҧͧ͹
7. Can travel by airport, train, bus. Travel is convenient because the property is in the heart of Khon Kaen city.
8. ӻл 俿 ҹ
8. Water supply - electricity ready to use.
9. ӹ¤дǡúѹ
9. complete amenities.
10.˹ҷѾ ͹յ ҧ 8
10. Land is connected with Concrete road of 8 meters wide from front side.

ʶҹ§ / Nearby Places
1. ҧѡըѹ 550 .
1. 550 m. from the main road, Srichan Road.
2. ԷҤѹ͡§˹ 1.5 .
2. Northeastern University 1.5 km.
3. çҺŢ͹ 1.5 .
3. Khon Kaen Ram Hospital 1.5 km.
4. ҧ (Ţ12) 1.6 . ҧԵҾ 3.2 .
4. 1.6 km from Maliwan Road (No. 12), 3.2 km from Mittraphap Road.
5. ֧˹ͧ⤵ 1.7 .
5. Bueng Nong Khot 1.7 km.
6. 繷Ţ͹ 1.9 .
6. Central Khon Kaen 1.9 km.
7. Ҵҹ 2.0 .
7. Ban Kham Hai Market 2.0 km.
8. Ҵ鹵 2.2 .
8. Tontan Market 2.2 km.
9. ʶҹö俨ѧѴ͹ 2.7 .
9. Khon Kaen Railway Station 2.7 km.
10.çҺչԹ͹ 7.7 .
10. Srinakarin Hospital Khon Kaen 7.7 km.
11.ȺŹâ͹ 4.1 .
11. Khon Kaen Municipality 4.1 km.
12.ҡҹҹҪҵԢ͹ 6.5 .
12. 6.5 km from Khon Kaen International Airport.
13. Makro ͹ 6.9 .
13. Makro Khon Kaen 6.9 km.
14. Է¢͹ 7.8 .
14. Khon Kaen University 7.8 km.
15. ҧҡͧ͹ 3.8 . ҧҡǨѧѴ 3.7 .
15. 3.8 km from Mueang Khon Kaen District, 3.7 km from the province.

ʹͺ´ Ѻ
س ѵ
Tel: 095-4615256, 085-0149449

Contact for more information:
Mr. Permporn Srirattanavaree
Mobile : +66954615256, +668501

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Ҫԡ : ACLProperty  
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Ͷ͵Դ͡Ѻ : (Ţҹ)
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´ǹ Թհҹ 238 ҧ ૹŢ͹ Թҧдǡ ...
ȺŵӺͧ ͹
ҤҢ 6,188,000 ҷ
Ŵ˹ ·ԹŴ çç÷ ⹹ǧ .ͧ͹ .͹...
ȺŵӺͧ ͹
ҤҢ 14,000,000 ҷ
·Թ㨡ҧͧ͹ 325 . ç Big-c .͹ ZE536
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ҤҢ 6,500,000 ҷ
Թ ͷ 2 ҹ 46 ҧ ͹
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ըѹ ·ԹԨͧ 鹷 3 ҹ .ҹ .ͧ͹ .͹

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2403ACL1896 ·ԹԨͧ 鹷 3 ҹ ˹ҡҧ 35 ֡ 41 鹷 1,000. 鹷ŧԹԴ 3 ҹ ˹ ,

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