˹á > ͹ > ͹ > ͹ > ҡ > NC14 ͹ Ѳ The Key Cha...
No. 4290087

͹¹ NC14 ͹ Ѳ The Key Chaengwattana #͹ⴵԴѲ #TheKeyѲ #͹ⴹ

Member Package | ѹʵ ѹҷԵ 17 ѹҤ 2566 ┃ Ѿഷ ѹظ 25 ѹ¹ 2567

͹¹ NC14 ͹ Ѳ The Key Chaengwattana #͹ⴵԴѲ #TheKeyѲ #͹ⴹ

͹ ¡ش ͹ Сѹ 27 ѹ¹ 2567 ͹ Сѹ 27 ѹ¹ 2567 ¤͹ Сѹ 27 ѹ¹ 2567 ͹ Сѹ 26 ѹ¹ 2567 ͹ Сѹ 26 ѹ¹ 2567 ¤͹ Сѹ 26 ѹ¹ 2567 ͹ Сѹ 25 ѹ¹ 2567 ͹ Сѹ 25 ѹ¹ 2567 ¤͹ Сѹ 25 ѹ¹ 2567 ͹ⴹ ¡ش ͹ⴹ Сѹ 2024-09-27 ͹ⴹ Сѹ 2024-09-26 ͹ⴹ Сѹ 2024-09-25 ͹ⴻҡ ¡ش ͹ⴹ ¡ش ͹ⴻҡ ¡ش ͹ⴻҡ͹ⴹ ͹ ҡ Ҥ͹ ҡҤ͹ ¤͹ 36 ҧҹ ҹ ǹ ǹ ͹ ҤþҳԪ ;鹷 ӹѡҹ Ϳ áԨ çҹ ѧԹ ⡴ѧ Թ ŧСȿ Ѻ ¡ش Ѻ ŧСȿ Ѻ ǻЪѹ ¡ش ǻЪѹ ç ¡ش ç 觷 ¡ش Ф ¡ش Ф ǧ ¡ش ǧ Թ ¡ش Թ

NC14 ͹ Ѳ The Key Chaengwattana
#͹ⴵԴѲ #TheKeyѲ #͹ⴹ

 - ʷѾ : NC14
 - ͹ : Ѳ (The Key Chaengwattana)

** : 10,000 ҷ/͹ (ǹҧ)
  - ѭҢ鹵 1 Ѵ 2 ͹ ǧ˹ 1 ͹
  - Ѻѵ§, ٺ ӸáԨѭ

 - Ҵ : 36 ҧ 
 - : 14 (շ 21 )
 - Ҥ : B
 - ӹǹͧ : 1 ͧ͹ 1 ͧ 1 ͧ  
 - §ѹ : ʺյ֡ѧ ¹ ͧʹµ 
 - ͧ俿 : Թͧ + 2 ͧ ǿ ͧӹ (ͧѡ)
 - Էʹö 1 ѹ դǹҧ 

#ǹҧҳ : դǹҧ 
#ӹ¤дǡ : Lobby, Mail Box, ¹, Ե, Wifi Internet dz Lobby (鹷ǹҧ), ǹ, 鹷ǡ 3,000 .., ҹ, ҹ, к Key Card Access, ͧǧûԴ CCTV û. 24 .

 - .Ѳ ӺŤͧ ͻҡ 11120
 - ʶҹö俿ժ(ʶҹѪ) ҹ˹Ҥ͹
 - ͧͧҹ 繷Ѳ عҪù
 - प : https://maps.app.goo.gl/GXQ31EqSwYcpKxCb9

#Դ س
: Դͼҹ line : https://line.me/ti/p/4i3vwkGTEU
: ID line : 0842823944
: : 084-282-3944
#Դ ҹФ͹ ҡͧҧҹҧ
 - 䫵 : https://bit.ly/3WPDFqd
 - ྨ Facebook : ҹ ͹ ͧ by Jangproperty
 - ԡԧ >> https://web.facebook.com/jangproperty9

NC14 Condo for rent The Key Chaengwattana

 - Property Code : NC14
 - Project : The Key Chaengwattana

**Rent : 10,000 baht/month (including common fees)
   - Minimum contract 1 year, deposit 2 months and advance 1 month.
   - Do not accept cases of having pets, smoking, and doing marijuana business.

 - Area : 36 sq.m.
 - Floor : 14
 - Building : B
 - Room Type : 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 1 Living, kitchen
 - Balcony : Pool view
 - Furnishing : Fully Furnished.

 - Extra Location : Chaengwattana Rd.
 - Google map : https://maps.app.goo.gl/GXQ31EqSwYcpKxCb9

#Contact Khun Boy
 : Line link : https://line.me/ti/p/4i3vwkGTEU
 : Add line ID : 0842823944
 : Tel : 084-282-3944

#Follow beautiful houses and condos from the channels below.
 - Website : https://bit.ly/3WPDFqd
 - Facebook page: ҹ ͹ ͧ by Jangproperty
 - Click the link >> https://web.facebook.com/jangproperty9

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  • ͹¹ NC14 ͹ Ѳ The Key Chaengwattana #͹ⴵԴѲ #TheKeyѲ #͹ⴹ

    ͹ 36 ҧ СȻ ͹ ´͹¹ NC14 ͹ Ѳ The Key Chaengwattana #͹ⴵԴѲ #TheKeyѲ #͹ⴹ ӷͧä ͹¹ NC14 ͹ Ѳ The Key Chaengwattana #͹ⴵԴѲ #TheKeyѲ #͹ⴹ ͡ҡѾഷءѹ

    NC14 ͹ Ѳ The Key Chaengwattana #͹ⴵԴѲ #TheKeyѲ #͹ⴹ #´   - ʷѾ : NC14 &n

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