Ŵ⤵ç! ;鹷 ͺ 4 153 ͧ ʹöҧ 㨡ҧź ¡л Central, Big C ź ǹ!!

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Ŵ⤵ç! ;鹷 ͺ 4 153 ͧ ʹöҧ 㨡ҧź ¡л Central, Big C ź ǹ!!

Сй ┃ Ѿഷش ѹѧ 16 ¹ 2567
Ŵ⤵ç! ;鹷 ͺ 4  153 ͧ ʹöҧ 㨡ҧź ¡л  Central, Big C ź ǹ!!

Ŵ⤵ç! ;鹷 ͺ 4 153 ͧ ʹöҧ
cool㨡ҧź ¡л Central, Big C ź ǹ!! ✨
📌 öѺԴ https://youtu.be/X5JDAl59kIA
📌 : ¡л 4/4 Ӻ ¡л ͧź ź
angel ´
cool ;鹷 3 ӹǹ 3 ֡ (֡ 51 ͧ) + 1 ͧͿ + 1 ͧ๡ʧ 153 ͧ
cool 鹷 3 105 ҧ
cool ͧ 82 ͧ ͧѴ 71 ͧ
cool ѵҤ ͧѺͧѴҡѹ 2,500 ҷ ͹ (͹Դ ͧ 3,000 ҷ ͹)
cool Ҵͧҧ ҡѺ 3.5*7 = 24.5 . (§ءͧ)
cool 鹷µ֡лҳ 1,520 3 ֡ҡѺ 4,560
cool ҧѺʹöҡ
cool ;鹷㹡þѲաҳ
cool ҧآԷ§ 590
cool Central ź, Big C ź, Makro ź § ŹԴ
cool Ѩغѹ ǧԴ ͧҧ ա ҴôԹôҹõҴԧءҧͧ
cool ****СѺ ҡ֡ŵͺ᷹ Ѩغѹ СѺͧ͹Ҥ ҷŹ ѧ еͧѺ ͹Ҥ Ź 觨ҧҹ ѧ䧨еͧѺ µ˹ 繷㨡ҧͧ ҹź
cool .Ѩغѹ õ͹ ѧѡ ҳ 140,000-150,000 ҷ͹
cool 㹪ǧɰԨ ͹ǧԴ ѵҡҾѡ ҳ 80-90% ŵͺ᷹͹ӡ 300,000 ҷ (ǧ͹)
cool***֡ ʹ͢ҤҵӡҵҴ ҡӹdz鹷ع ੾觻١ҧ 4,560 . * 12,000 ҷ (ҡҧҵðҹػó) = 54,720,000 ҷ ѡ 20% = 43,776,000 ҷ (੾Фҡҧ çҧ֡ Ҿ㹵֡ѧҡ ͧѺا)
cool***ҡӹdzҤҷԹ dz ҤҵҴ µҧ 25,000 - 30,000 ҷ ੾зԹ 1505 . ҤҵҴҳ 30 ҹҷ(ӹdz Ҥ 25,000 ҷ ੾ҤҷԹ)
 ҧʹ͢ Թ֡;鹷
 ҡҤ 72 ҹҷ Ŵҡ
§ 55 ҹҷ ҹ!!!

cool ԷԾ੾ЪǧԴҹ ѾҤҷӡҵҴҡҴ
ҡʹŧع ͪ :
cool Դ´ǹ س 094-782-2354
cool Line ID = @thpropertyinvestor (@ ˹)
cool www.thaipropertyinvestor.net/apartment


Almost 4 Rai 153 Room Apartment with Spacious Parking for SALE in the heart of Chonburi, Huaykapi, Near Central and Big C
🏬 Almost 4 Rai 153 Room Apartment with Spacious Parking for SALE in the heart of Chonburi, Huaykapi, Near Central and Big C
📌 Address : Soi Huaykapi 4/4 Tambon Huaykapi, Amphoe Mueang Chonburi
angel Details
cool 3 Storey 3 Buildings
cool 51 Rental Rooms in Each Building with 1 Office and 1 Multi Purpose Room
cool Total of 153 Rooms (151 Rooms for Rent)
cool Land Size 3 Rai 3 Ngarn 17 Sq.W
cool 82 Air Conditioner Rooms and 71 Fan Rooms
cool Every Room is the same Price (2,500 Baht/Month) and Size (3.5*7 Meters = 24.5 Meters)
cool Every Room has a Balcony
cool Total In Building Usage Space = 4,560 Sq.m (1,520 Sq.m per Building)
cool Very Spacious Parking Space
cool Up to 1 Rai Additional Space to develop
cool Just 590 Meters from Sukhumvit Road
cool Near Central, Big C and Makro Chonburi
cool Due to the effects of the pandemic and non continuous marketing, many rooms are vacant.
cool  ****This Apartment is not suitable for those who are looking for a good ROI right away. But for those who see the potential of this location. Its located in the heart of Chonburi and its bustling atmosphere with an ever-growing source of employment is making a fast recovery.****
- The current Net Profit per month is around 140,000-150,000 Baht
- Before the Covid-19 Pandemic, Occupancy Rates were 80-90% bringing in a Net profit of 300,000 Baht/Month
cool  ***This Apartment is selling at below the market price.***
- Calculating only the construction cost of the Buildings = 4,560 Sq.m
Standard Construction Cost for Buildings = 12,000 Baht/Sq.m
4,560 Sq.m x 12,000 Baht = 54,720,000 Baht
Deduct 20% for Building Depreciation 43,776,000 Baht (Cost of Structure only)
- Calculating Land Price of 1505 Sq.W
Market Price of Land in this Area 25,000 - 30,000 Baht/Sq.W
1505 Sq.W x 25,000 Baht = 37,625,000 Baht (Market Price of Land Alone!!)
***This Apartment is Selling at just 55 Million Baht Only!!!***
Don't miss the Best Investment Opportunity 
For more information, Please Contact:
cool Mr. Mo 094-782-2354
cool Line ID = @thpropertyinvestor (Dont forget the @ sign)
cool www.thaipropertyinvestor.net/apartment

к Ҹóٻ :
鶹ѡ, 鶹˭, ٹö, 觪ͻ, ػ,
Ҵ, ҹ, ѹ

йӢ ѺԹҧ :
- ҧآԷ§ 590
- Central ź
- Big C ź
- Makro ź

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ҡ֧ͤС ;鹷
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ѡɳ : § ʹö
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: 10 ͧ
ӹǹͧ : 100 ͧ 100 ͧӢ ʹö 10 ѹ
Ҵ鹷 :
鹷 : 4,560 ҧ
Ҥ :
55,000,000 ҷ
ԡ͡٪ǧҤ »
ͧҤ ;鹷 ѺҡС
ѧѴ : ź
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: 鶹˭ 鶹˭ ͧź
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ҪԡẺ : ŧ¹ҹ
Ҫԡ : Nititut  
¡ ҡҪԡҹ »
Ͷ :
ԡýҡͶ Դ͡Ѻ
Ͷ͵Դ͡Ѻ : (Ţҹ)
ͼԴ :
Emai :
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ºҹ 2 ѧ ; 18 ͧ ͷ 3 .ѵպ .ź
ѵպ ź
ҤҢ 65,000,000 ҷ
;鹷 .ҡ 31 .ѡ .Ҫ .ź
Ҫ ź
ҤҢ 59,000,000 ҷ
;鹷 ; 100 ͧ Թ 4 6400 . 4
Ҫ ź
ҤҢ 69,000,000 ҷ

Ŵ⤵ç! ;鹷 ͺ 4 153 ͧ ʹöҧ 㨡ҧź ¡л Central, Big C ź ǹ!!

;鹷 4 СȻ ;鹷 ´Ŵ⤵ç! ;鹷 ͺ 4 153 ͧ ʹöҧ 㨡ҧź ¡л Central, Big C ź ǹ!! ӷͧä Ŵ⤵ç! ;鹷 ͺ 4 153 ͧ ʹöҧ 㨡ҧź ¡л Central, Big C ź ǹ!! ͡ҡѾഷءѹ

Ŵ⤵ç! ;鹷 ͺ 4 153 ͧ ʹöҧ 㨡ҧź ¡л Central, Big C ź ǹ!! ✨ ............................

@thaihometown Scroll